Lawn Care For Rodent Control


how to keep rodents out of lawnRoaches, rats, and rodents of all types are known to take refuge in tall grass. Keeping your lawn free of clutter and cut down, so these creatures have no place to hide, is a great way to make sure you aren’t the victim of a rodent and insect infestation. Here we are going to share with you some great tips on lawn care so that you can enjoy your yard without worrying about pests.

There are many ways to care for a lawn properly, but it all depends on the type of grass, weather, and where you live. Watering your yard is a critical factor in keeping your lawn green and lush. Your watering schedule is based on many factors like soil and lawn health, so you may water yours more than others. Typically, shaded grass needs less water because of its sun exposure, but that may not be true if there are other trees and plants around stealing the water and nutrients. Bluegrass and ryegrass are two types of popular grasses that need about 1-1.5 inches of water per week but 2.25 inches in hot or dry weather. Water brings the lawn more than just hydration, so it is the most significant contributor to having healthy grass.

By watering your plants and grass, it sinks all the way down to the lowest of roots and softens the soil. The drainage rate is based on the kind of soil. Sandy soil drains quicker than loamy or dense soil. Dense soil drains slowly and may need more water, whereas loamy soil drains in an average amount of time.

If you start noticing discoloration in your lawn with gray, brown, or purple colors, then you know your grass is dry. You can also dig into the soil to see how dry it is. If it is dry in certain spots, then water those spots, not the entire lawn. If you over water, you will notice puddles and footprints being indented in the grass.

Many say when mowing your lawn, it should be left long, but it looks better short, and you don’t want rodents and insects nesting below the surface. There are certain seasons where you can keep it longer than others, but longer grasses tend to be healthier. Mowing the lawn on a cool, dry day is best because if the grass is wet, it can cause it to clump up and not look fresh. If it is too hot out, it will dry out the grass. Leave the grass clippings on the lawn because they feed great nutrients back into the soil and roots by decomposing. Keeping your blades sharpened regularly will ensure that the grass is cut evenly. You can contact a local lawn care service provider for better feedback regarding local solutions to fertilization. There may be other alternatives available locally that you can tap into as a resource. We are able to pick up brewed coffee grounds from the best coffee shop in Dallas and use those in our garden, and it’s free! So check will local landscape and garden folk to see if they have any other useful suggestions for you.

 Fertilizers are another thing that will help keep your lawn looking clean and fresh. Slow-release fertilizers are highly recommended because they have fewer chemicals and are not as strong. Quick-release fertilizers contain more chemicals and can kill your grass if the correct amount is not used. When looking for fertilizer, nitrogen is the most essential ingredient to look for in a fertilizer. The types of fertilizers that are made from animal or plant products are great because these products decompose proteins and carbohydrates into the soil and feed bugs and worms. Organic fertilizers are also useful to look for because they are less likely to burn or ruin your lawn.

Having a fertilizer plan is something to consider highly. All lawns should have one fertilization per year to improve its health and minimize water runoff. You should also aerate your lawn 1-2 times per year. Leave the plugs on top of the grass. This will continue the process of decomposition and putting nutrients back into the grass.

By following these simple steps and caring for your yard, you can prevent rodent and insect infestations all while enjoying the natural beauty of your lawn.

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